Jane Reagan is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) and Certified Eating Disorder Specialist (CEDS-C), with a masters in counseling.  She practices a non-diet approach to understanding the impact of food choices on your mental, emotional, and physical well-being.  

About Jane Reagan
Eat Well
Live Well
Be Well

Introducing The Eating Disorder Recovery Roadmap For Parents™

Eating Disorders Recovery Roadmap For Parents - Get Started
  • Understand the causes of your child's eating disorder.
  • Learn what to say and do to accelerate your child's recovery.
  • Learn and be informed about nutrition, body image, and exercise.
  • Play a positive role in your child’s recovery with the proper tools.
My first step to recovery started when I met Jane…little did I know that working with her would change my relationship with food for the better. She guided and stood with me through difficult situations with food. She is a brilliant, supportive person and nutritionist. I couldn’t thank her enough for everything she helped me through. I will always be grateful!
Most importantly, I’ve been able to do these things with curiosity and openness, rather than with anger and ‘discipline’…and it’s SO much because of my work with you. I can’t thank you enough. I’ve been talking with several friends about our work too, and they say it’s really changed their attitude and approach in a positive way. I believe in your work wholeheartedly.
Jane is a fantastic nutritionist. She is calm, supportive, clear, engaged, and very effective.  She has had a significant positive impact on my eating choices and body image.
Thanks to you my life has taken a huge turn for the better.   The analysis you have done on my food intake has been extremely productive and helpful and for that I am eternally grateful.
Jane really understood me and my needs.  I never felt like I was just being plugged into formula.  She made me feel really comfortable.
Jane has been wonderful in my development to a healthier, more fulfilling relationship with food.
I wanted to proudly tell you how great I feel. I have you to thank! The help, support and care you have provided me over the last 10 months have literally changed my life. You truly are a gift to this world and I am so thankful for everything you did for me!
I have been seeing Jane for eight months now and not only have I… taken back control of my eating habits, but my self-confidence has also skyrocketed. I feel like a completely different person…Perhaps most importantly, my anxiety is manageable after taking control of my daily routine, holding myself accountable for how I was treating my body, and timing my meals so that I don’t feel sluggish, exhausted, and unmotivated.
Words can not express how grateful I am. Not only have you taught me so incredibly much, but you have also provided a safe space for met to explore the “why” behind my thoughts and behaviors. You have provided me the tools to live a healthy and long life and to raise my (future) children with a much more healthy relationship to their bodies and to food. You are simply wonderful and I am blessed to know you!
Jane was [is always] amazing. She has so much experience and knowledge that any misconceptions about nutrition and/or proper amounts of exercise are quickly resolved. She is a brilliant and kind person, and has helped me so much with my eating disorder. She makes me feel very comfortable and makes me believe it is possible to challenge and overcome my eating disorder.
I appreciate Jane’s passion for nutrition and for helping people. She is genuinely a wonderful person. Asking for help can be difficult, but Jane makes it legitimately an exciting and such a worthwhile experience. Each time I leave her office I feel like skipping down the hall way ready to improve more and become a better person, not only nutritionally but as a person. Thank you with all the gratitude I have, Jane!
Under Jane’s tutelage my blood sugar is down, my energy is up, my cholesterol is down, my mood has improved…I couldn’t have done it without her! Thanks Jane!
Jane is great! I felt like she did a nice job of hearing my concerns and asking suggestions that she thought I would be amenable to.  This was very different from many health care providers that I have seen in the past that essentially say “do this” without asking me enough questions.
Jane is the best nutritionist I know and I have great respect for her work. She is very skilled at meeting the client where they are and developing an individualized personalized plan. If you have an eating disorder, digestive issues or want to learn more about eating healthier, she can work with your issues successfully. I trust her completely to work with my clients who need nutritional counseling.