Jane Reagan Nutrition Services

Jane Reagan Nutrition Services


Please see our FAQs for additional information about Jane Reagan Nutrition services.

Initial Consult

60 minutes
We will assess your current nutrition and health status by discussing your diet history, eating behaviors, medical history, physical activity, and food behaviors and patterns.

Follow Up Consult

50 minutes/25 minutes
We will continue to work on strategies and tools to meet your nutrition and health goals, while continuing to explore new approaches to fit your personal needs.

Telehealth Appointments

Don’t want to come into the office?  Enjoy flexible nutrition counseling from anywhere.  We will use a HIPAA compliant video chat portal to have a virtual face-to-face appointment.

Speaking Engagements

We have years of experience giving workshops and talks on a variety of nutrition topics.  I would be happy to give a talk for you!  Contact me to let me know what you need.


Bio-Electrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) test is a method used to assess body composition (muscle mass% and body fat%).  Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) test is a simple non-invasive test that measures metabolism at rest.

Nutrition Lab Testing

Lab testing is available at my office by our Medical Assistant. Labs include MicroNutrient testing (vitamin & minerals), Food Sensitivity testing (MRT-Mediator Release Test), GI Map stool testing, SIBO testing, Cholesterol (expanded LipoProtein) testing, & other nutrition related labs.
This is a body hate free zone.  Every body is loved and celebrated here!