Eating Disorders Program For Parents Of Children With an Eating Disorder

Jane Reagan's Eating Disorder Recovery Roadmap for Parents™ is a comprehensive online program proven to help you support your child through their eating disorder and successfully navigate each stage of their recovery.

  • Empower Yourself as a Supportive Ally: Learn the critical knowledge and tools necessary to be a pillar of support in your child's eating disorder recovery.
  • Gain Clarity and Understanding: Unravel the complexities of eating disorders with insightful guidance and education from 10+ hours of online video modules, weekly group support calls and over 50 supplemental learning handouts.
  • Discover a Pathway to Prevention: If you're not sure if your child has an eating disorder but know they are struggling, learn how to recognize and mitigate potential eating disorder triggers before they escalate.
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Realizing that your child has, or potentially may have, an eating disorder, creates a lot of questions and anxiety as a parent.

The Eating Disorders Recovery Roadmap for Parents provides the critical information and proper guidance that is needed to understand your child's eating disorder and successfully navigate the proper path to recovery.

Common questions from parents...
  • Does my child have an eating disorder?
  • What are the signs of an eating disorder?
  • What caused my child’s eating disorder?
  • How do I talk to my child about their eating disorder?
  • What role do I play in my child’s recovery?
  • Will my child ever fully recover from their eating disorder?
The Eating Disorders Recover Roadmap For Parents has the answers!
Parents Actions Matter

Parents’ actions & words about food, exercise and body image matter.

Jane Reagan Quote
While parents are not the cause of a child’s eating disorder, they play a pivotal role in their return to wellness.
Eating Disorders | Dietitian - Nutrition Program For Parents
Jane Reagan has helped thousands of clients overcome their eating disorders and she brings her decades of experience and knowledge into this informative, easy-to-follow, online program. 


Watch eight (8) informative, step-by-step eating disorder recovery training modules. Video lessons range from 60-90 minutes.


Downloadable summaries of module topics, statistics and strategies. Jane Reagan's program includes an incredible amount of  supplementary materials. 


Access to weekly LIVE, 1-hour Group Zoom™ calls with Jane Reagan and other program parents. (Participation is not required to complete program.)


Share stories, connect and get support from other parents in a private Facebook group. (Facebook group participation is not required.)

College ModuleBONUS! Eating Disorders In College Video & Downloads Module!

Learn at your own pace and make a difference in your child's eating disorder journey.

Don't wait for uncertainty to turn into crisis. With the Eating Disorder Recovery Roadmap for Parents online program, you can take control of the situation and become the advocate your child needs right now.


$30/ Mo
or $306 Annual Plan (Save 15%)
  • 10+ Hours Online Video-Based Instruction
  •  50+ Supplementary Info Handouts | Downloads
  • Email Support
  • Annual Plan includes LIFETIME Access | Updates
  • Cancel Anytime | No Long-Term Committment
  • Monthly Billing Plan Auto Cancels After 12 Months
  •  Weekly  LIVE Group Zoom Support Calls with Jane
  •  Private Facebook Group Access
  •  Three (3) | 50 Minute 1-on-1 Counseling Sessions*
Most Popular Plan

ONLINE Course + Group CALLS

$125/ Mo
or $1,200 Annual Plan (Save 20%)
  • 10+ Hours Online Video-Based Instruction
  • 50+ Supplementary Info Handouts | Downloads
  • Email & Phone Support + Direct Messaging Chats
  • Annual Plan includes LIFETIME Access | Updates
  • Cancel Anytime | No Long-Term Committment
  • Monthly Billing Plan Auto Cancels After 12 Months
  • Weekly LIVE Group Zoom Support Calls With Jane
  • Private Facebook Group Access
  • Three (3) | 50 Minute 1-on-1 Counseling Sessions*

ONLINE Course + Group + 1-on-1

$195/ Mo
or $1,755 Annual Plan (Save 25%)
  • 10+ Hours Online Video-Based Instruction
  • 50+ Supplementary Info Handouts | Downloads
  • Email & Phone Support + Direct Messaging Chats
  • Annual Plan includes LIFETIME Access | Updates
  • Cancel Anytime | No Long-Term Committment
  • Monthly Billing Plan Auto Cancels After 12 Months
  • Weekly LIVE Group Zoom Support Calls With Jane
  • Private Facebook Group Access
  • Three (3) | 50 Minute 1-on-1 Counseling Sessions*
(You can upgrade to a higher plan level anytime and also reserve private counseling sessions from inside your course manager.)
*PRIVATE SESSIONS INFO: The 1-on-1 Counseling Sessions feature for the GROUP + 1-on-1 Plan include a total of three private sessions for the year (not 3 per month). Annual plan holders can schedule a private session immediatetly after program enrollment (if desired). However, if paying monthly for the Group + 1-on-1 Plan level, you must wait a minimum 3 months before scheduling a 1-on-1 session with our team and monthly plan holders cannot schedule multiple 1-on-1 sessions during the same monthly billing period. 

However, for parents who prefer more of a concierge program experience, all plan billing types and program levels can purchase "a la carte" private sessions with our eating disorder professionals anytime for a discounted rate of $185 per 50 minute session. Most parents will not require private sessions but we have the Group + 1-on-1 Plan and the stand-alone (a la carte) private sessions available in case you want a more personalized program experience and customized recovery guidance.
MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: After you purchase the course and complete the 9 separate online learning video modules, if, for any reason, you feel that the Eating Disorders Recovery Roadmap For Parents program did not exceed your expectations in enhancing your own understanding of eating disorders and how to work more effectively with your child, we will provide a 100% refund.
Message From Jane Reagan

What our program participants are saying...

Jane has been so wonderful and amazing through the challenges our family has gone through battling an eating disorder. She has given us all the tools and hope to get through this challenging time to have a better future and things to look forward to again.
I love this program... I wish we had it at the beginning of our journey with our daughter.  Jane truly cares about those struggling with an eating disorder and this is on display in the parent teaching videos. I've listened and had many aha moments. It's so nice to know we are not alone. Thank you Jane for this program!"
I firmly believe Jane's program is a must for any parent whose child struggles with an eating disorder. Jane is a very personable and professional specialist who has so much to offer. Jane's program helped my wife and I far better than our medical provider.
Jane's program is an essential component of helping parents understand how to best help their child. I cannot say enough good things about Jane's program and her influence on my family and so many others who have been helped by Jane. I am eternally grateful to have come across Jane's program.
Eating Disorders Program For Parents - Schedule Free Discovery Call

Not sure if your child has an eating disorder or what should be your next step?

Schedule a free, 30-minute discovery call with our team.

How To Speak To Your Child About Their Eating Disorder
How to Speak To Your Child About Their Eating Disorder
Contributing Factors For Eating Disorders
Contributing Factor For Eating Disorders
What is Body Image?
Body Images | Eating Disorder Triggers
Road Blocks and Challenges To Eating Disorder Recovery
Road Blocks and Challenges
Improve Your Chances Of Eating Disorder Recovery
How to Increase My Chances of Eating Disorder Recovery
Total Learning Modules Video Duration: 10 Hours, 49 Minutes, 3 Seconds
Total Supplementary Course PDF Downloads: 59
Click on the Weekly Header To Expand and View the Individual Topics Covered in That Eating Disorders For Parents Workshop Module.

Week (Module) 1 : HOW DID MY CHILD DEVELOP AN EATING DISORDER | Video Length: 53:35 - PDF Downloads: 3

Week 1 Agenda:
Why Do Parents Matter In The Treatment Of A Child’s Eating Disorder
What Does It Feel Like As A Parent To Have A Child With An Eating Disorder
What Is An Eating Disorder?
General Eating Disorder Statistics
The Pandemic
8 Myths About Eating Disorders
What Is The Cause Of My Child’s Eating Disorder
The Cause Of An Eating Disorder Is…
Eating Disorders And Genetics
4 Groups Who Are Most Susceptible To Eating Disorders
Personality And Temperament Traits Associated With All Eating Disorders
Behavioral Warning Signs
Emotional Or Psychological Warning Signs
Environmental: The Dark Side Of Diet Culture
How To Spot Diet Culture In Your Child
Social Media’s Influence
Understanding The Impact Of Fat Phobia And Weight Stigma 
Friends, School & Sports
Family Dynamics 
Periods Of Change
The Complicated Role Of The Parent Of A Child With An Eating Disorder
Can You Cure An Eating Disorder?
Weekly “Awareness” Activity
Looking Ahead To Week 2

Week (Module) 2: THE MANY FACES OF YOUR CHILD’S EATING DISORDER | Video Length: 1:10:38 - PDF Downloads: 7

Week 2 Agenda:
Eating Disorders Do Not Have A Look
It Is Important To Remember...
Types Of Eating Disorders: Which Ones We Will Focus On
Anorexia Nervosa 
Anorexia Nervosa
Behavioral & Emotional Signs Of Anorexia Nervosa 
Anorexia Nervosa Health Risks
Anorexia Nervosa: Atypical Anorexia
There Is Only 1 Question I Have To Ask…
A View From Inside Anorexia…
What Is A “Starved Brain”
Where Do Calories Go?
The Brain’s Altered Reward Response
Bulimia Nervosa 
Bulimia Nervosa: Levels Of Severity
Behavioral Signs Of Bulimia  Nervosa 
Bulimia Nervosa Health Risks
A View From Inside Bulimia…
Binge Eating Disorder 
Behavioral Signs Of Binge Eating Disorder 
Binge Eating Disorder Health Risks
A View From Inside Binge Eating Disorder… Orthorexia
Risk Factors For Orthorexia
How To Spot Orthorexia In Your Child
A View From Inside Orthorexia…
Eating Disorders In Men
Eating Disorders In Lgbtq+ Populations
Co-Morbidities Of Eating Disorders
The Eating Disorder As A Separate Identity
What Does A Dialogue With Ed Look Like?
Weekly “Awareness” Activity
Looking Ahead To Week 3

Week (Module) 3 : TAKE STOCK IN YOUR CHILD’S REALITY | Video Length: 1:09:10 - PDF Downloads: 5

Week 3 Agenda:
How Is Childhood Different Today?
Social Media: Fuel For An Eating Disorder
More Fuel: “What I Eat In A Day”
More Fuel: “How Much I Exercise In A Day”
More Fuel: “Almond Moms”
More Fuel: Dangerous Trends 
What Parents Can Do About Social Media
More Fuel: Diet Culture
Ways Parents Can Fight Diet Culture
What Are Your Child’s Food Behaviors?
“I Feel Fat”….What Is A Parent To Do?
How To Become A Diet Ally With Your Child
More Fuel: Compare And Despair
6 Steps To Combating Comparisons
8 Ways Parents Unintentionally Teach Disordered Behaviors To Their Kids
More Fuel: The Impact Of Peer Influences
How To Help Your Child Cope With Peer Pressure
More Fuel: Inaccurate Nutrition Information (Junk Science)
The 7 “Red Flags” Of Junk Science
What If My Child Doesn’t Want To Recover
Weekly “Awareness” Activity
Looking Ahead To Week 4

Week (Module) 4: WHAT YOUR CHILD WANTS YOU TO KNOW… HOW TO BEST HELP THEM | Video Length: 59:20 - PDF Downloads: 4

Week 4 Agenda:
What I Wish My Parents Knew…
Cognitive Distortions
8 Cognitive Distortions Associated With Eating Disorders
How To Challenge Cognitive Distortions Or “Eating Disorder Thoughts”
How To “Reframe” An Eating Disorder Thought
4 Steps You Can Take To Help Your Child?
How To Talk To Your Child About Their Eating Disorder
How To Deal With Denial
Be Prepared For Your Child To Fight Back
Relate To Your Child, Not To The Eating Disorder
Family Influences….
Guidance For Siblings
How Will I Know When My Child Needs Additional Help?
Weekly “Awareness” Activity
Looking Ahead To Week 5

Week (Module) 5: NUTRITION AND EATING BEHAVIORS | Video Length: 1:40:22 - PDF Downloads: 10

Week 5 Agenda
When Diets Become Eating Disorders…
Remember This Is Not About Food
But Also Remember…
2 Parts To The Nutrition Picture
Top 6 Nutrition Myths 
Nutrition Basics 101
How Foods Impact Blood Sugar
What Should My Child’s Plate Look Like
Snack Ideas
A Meal Plan Pros Vs Cons
Balance Is The Goal
Meal Timing…Why It Is So Important
Typical Food Intake Pattern
The Rule Of 3’s For Eating 
Allow Your Child To Eat All Foods 
Allow For “Wiggle Room”
“Food Rules” And “Food Challenges”
Eating Extremes Encourage Extreme Eating
“Intentional Eating” Vs “Intuitive Eating”
How To Provide Meal Support: Overview
How To Provide Meal Support: Structure
How To Provide Meal Support: Meal Planning
How To Provide Meal Support: Family Meals
How To Provide Meal Support: Going Out To Dinner, Travel, Etc.
How To Provide Meal Support: Emotional Support While Eating
How To Provide Meal Support: Emotional Support After A Meal
“Riding The Wave”
Understanding How Eating Disorders Impact The Gastro-Intestinal (Gi) Tract
What Can I Do If My Child Experiences Physical Discomfort From Eating
What If My Child Needs To Gain/Lose Weight?
To Weigh Or Not To Weigh?
What If My Child Won’t Stop Binging Or Purging Or Restricting?
Weekly “Awareness” Activity
Looking Ahead To Week 6

Week (Module) 6: EXERCISE, ATHLETES & BODY IMAGE | Video Length: 1:39:30 - PDF Downloads: 7

Week 6 Agenda
Eating Disorders And Exercise
Why Are Athletes At An Increased Risk Of Eating Disorders?
Eating Disorders Statistics In Athletes
Eating Disorders In Sports
What Is Relative Energy Deficiency In Sports (Red-S)
Health Consequences Of Red-S
Bone Loss In Athletes….
To Exercise Or Not Exercise During Recovery?
Decision Making Tool For Return To Play
Be Watchful Of Coaches That…
Signs Of Compulsive Exercise
How To Help Your Child Challenge Beliefs About Exercise
How Is Compulsive Exercise Treated?
What Is “Intuitive Exercise”?
How To Exercise Without Triggering A Relapse
What Can Parents Do To Help?
Body Image
Body Image Statistics 
What Is Body Image?
What Is A Body Ideal?
The Situation…
The Problem…
The Reality…
Positive Vs. Negative Body Image
What Is Body Dysmorphic Disorder?
What Are The Body Messages 
Your Child Receives?
What Is Your “Body Story”
What Is Your Child’s “Body Story”
What Are Appearance Assumptions?
How To Help Your Child 
Reframe Negative Self-Talk
How You Can Help Your Child Build 
A Better Body Image
What Do I Do If Other People Make Comments About My Child’s Body
Tips For Shopping For New Clothes If Your Child Is Weight Restoring
What Is Body Positivity?
Health At Every Size (HAES)
Weekly “Awareness” Activity
Looking Ahead To Week 7

Week (Module) 7: DEFINING RECOVERY AND BEGINNING YOUR RECOVERY ROADMAP | Video Length: 1:06:22 - PDF Downloads: 10

Week 7 Agenda
A Dad’s Story Of Recovery…
Eating Disorder Recovery Statistics
What Does Recovery Look Like
Recovery Is A Process
8 Ways To Support Your Child’s Eating Disorder Recovery
3 Broad Areas Of Recovery
The Parent’s Role In Eating Disorder Recovery
Seeking Help: Eating Disorder Treatment Programs
Seeking Help: Treatment Team
4 Types Of Eating Disorder Therapy
How Can I Encourage My Child To 
Accept Treatment Or Retreatment
Expectations After Treatment
Contributing Factors
Identifying Your Child’s Contributing Factors
Identifying Roadblocks & Challenges
Examples Of Roadblocks & Challenges
3 Steps To Better Nutrition
Weekly “Awareness” Activity
Looking Ahead To Week 8

Week (Module) 8: COMPLETING YOUR ROADMAP TO RECOVERY FOR YOU AND YOUR CHILD | Video Length: 1:06:22 - PDF Downloads: 10

Week 8 Agenda
Goals And Strategies
Helping Your Child Define 
Their “Why” Of Recovery
Helping Your Child Define 
Their “Why” Of Recovery
What Does Your Child’s Eating Disorder Value?
What Does Your Child Want To Value In The Future?
Create A Value’s Chart For Now And The Future
7 Recovery Pitfalls
Relapse Prevention
Relapse Prevention Plan
After A Relapse
Returning To School After Treatment
Coping Skills
Partially Vs. Fully Recovered
Challenging Scenarios Between Parents
What If Your Child Doesn’t Want To Recover?
How Do I Know If My Child Is Recovered?
Compassion Fatigue
Eating Disorder Resources
Eating Disorder Resources: Treatment Centers
Insurance Issues
What If I Don’t Have Insurance
Recovery Reminders…
Weekly “Awareness” Activity
Looking Ahead To College Bonus Module


Eating Disorders In College Agenda:
Why Is It Important To Discuss Eating Disorders In A College Setting?
Prevalence Of Eating Disorders In College
Trends In Eating Disorder Risk In College
Campus Culture And Eating Disorders
Sororities & Fraternities
How Does College Affect Eating Habits
Who At College Is At Risk For An Eating Disorder
What Puts A Child At Risk For Developing An Eating Disorder At College
Warning Signs At College
How Eating Disorders Impact Academic Performance
How Sports In College Fuel Eating Disorders
Ways To Support Your Child Away At College
Applying Your Insight
Conclusion And Acknowledgements

Recent Social Posts For Jane Reagan's Eating Disorders For Parents Program 


Enhancements to the Eating Disorder Recovery Roadmap for Parents program include an online course-only pricing tier for $30, extended live weekly parent group sessions, direct messaging support system for parents plus a 1-on-1 private session counseling option for all program levels. As always, we offer a free preview to test-drive the 1st week ...Posted: 4 hours ago
College life is about more than just academics; it's a time of profound personal growth, as students navigate significant physical, mental and emotional development during these transformative years. However, the college environment also presents a heightened risk for eating disorders, fueled by drastic changes in eating habits, body image pres...Posted: 2 weeks ago
Understanding that an eating disorder extends far beyond food-related issues is a crucial first step in gaining the knowledge needed to help your child. Jane Reagan's online program provides parents with clear and accurate information about the signs, symptoms and causes of eating disorders. Learn more at #eatingdisorderrre...Posted: 3 weeks ago
Parents: Don't be afraid or ashamed to ask for help with your child's eating issues. Eating disorders require professional assistance and proper guidance to achieve recovery. You can't do it alone. Jane Reagan's Eating Disorder Recovery Roadmap For Parents Online Program has the professional resources and support you need to successfully navig...Posted: 4 weeks ago
From stress to social media, identifying the factors that contribute to your child's relationship with food is one of the key pathways to recovery. The Eating Disorder Recovery Roadmap For Parents online program provides the needed guidance with evidence based strategies on how to recognize and mitigate the triggers of your child's eating disor...Posted: 1 month ago
Learn about the nutritional, physical and emotional impacts of your child's eating disorder and gain the knowledge and tools necessary to be their ally and advocate in their eating disorder recovery at #EatingDisorderRecovery #ChildNutrition #SupportForFamilies #AdvocateForRecovery #EatingDisorderAwareness #FamilySupport #Re...Posted: 1 month ago
In teens, eating disorders can be incorrectly dismissed as a phase by their parents. Learn how to identify the warning signs and triggers of an actual eating disorder in your child. Eating disorders are a serious condition that require attention and treatment. Learn more at #recoveryispossible #childeatingdisorder #eating...Posted: 1 month ago
Prioritize your child's wellbeing and embrace stress relieving workouts that are enjoyable and not forced. Identify and avoid specific exercise activities that may trigger your child's eating disorder and reflect on how your own exercise habits can affect your child's relationship to exercise. #HealthyHabits #ParentingTips #BodyPositivity #...Posted: 1 month ago
Supporting your child's recovery starts at home. Focus on staying calm and present during mealtimes to create a safe environment for your child and to foster emotional support. #EmotionalSupport #ParentingTips #FamilyWellness #HealthyEating #MindfulParenting #SupportiveEnvironment #MealtimeRoutine #HomeSupportPosted: 1 month ago
Actively listening to your child without judgement or comments is one of the most effective communication techniques for parents to use when discussing their child's eating disorder. #EatingDisorderSupport #ParentingTips #FamilySupport #BodyPositivity #WellnessJourney #RecoveryIsPossiblePosted: 1 month ago
Although parents do not directly cause their child's eating disorder, their behaviors can influence and trigger their child. Your child will emulate your actions when it comes to their eating, following strict diet rules, body image, exercise and social media influence. Foster a positive food environment in your home and create a safe space ...Posted: 1 month ago
Listen to your child and openly support them in discussing their challenges. Collaborate without judgment to help them build a healthier relationship with food and body image. #ParentingTips #HealthyEating #BodyPositivity #FamilyWellness #ChildNutrition #PositiveParenting #MentalHealthMatters #HealthyLifestyle #EatingDisorderAwareness #Wellness...Posted: 1 month ago
The moment when eating disorder recovery feels the most painful is when you’re making the most progress with your child. Empower them to navigate this difficult journey with confidence and self love. #EatingDisorderRecovery #ParentingJourney #BodyPositivity #EmpowerYourChildPosted: 1 month ago
Your presence speaks volumes; Be the safe space your child needs on their path to recovery. #ParentingJourney #SupportingRecovery #FamilySupport #PositiveParenting #EatingDisorders #EatingDisorderRecoveryPosted: 1 month ago
Focus on Wellness: Promote activities that enhance health and well-being with your children, like playing outside or cooking nutritious meals, rather than focusing on their weight or appearance. #HealthyFamilyActivities #ActiveKids #NutritiousMeals #FamilyWellness #HealthyHabits #WellbeingJourney #PositiveParentingPosted: 1 month ago
Become a positive force in your child’s eating disorder recovery.